This nation just coming out from civil war 13 years ago. One thing stood out for me from this the trip is:
How far would you go for the Gospel?
How far would you go for the Gospel?
Is there any village that you've been to that have zero Christians?
"From here also I found out, about one day far, no road, there's no Christian. I have plan soon, to visit there. There's 2,500 population there. We are focusing our teamsto go there."
Why do you do that?
"I want to bring them to Christ. I want to see lives transform. Often I remember what John said that Jesus came to bring life. Salvation is the main thing, and through that they have receives God in other aspect of life."
"From here also I found out, about one day far, no road, there's no Christian. I have plan soon, to visit there. There's 2,500 population there. We are focusing our teamsto go there."
Why do you do that?
"I want to bring them to Christ. I want to see lives transform. Often I remember what John said that Jesus came to bring life. Salvation is the main thing, and through that they have receives God in other aspect of life."
This was from one of the interviews we did in Nepal. He was our contact and he wants to do Bible distribution. For the 3 weeks of this trip, the longest we stayed in one place without travelling is 2 days. We had a long, long travel day. Sometimes it took 20+ hours to get to the place. But I am grateful for the opportunities to travel a great length!
Really encouraged by how people will go so far to just share the Gospel.
Really amazed by how God is showing His miracles in this nation.
Really challenged by their courage to share the Good News even in the midst of opposition, there are still lots of them saying yes to do the Great Commission!
Really encouraged by how people will go so far to just share the Gospel.
Really amazed by how God is showing His miracles in this nation.
Really challenged by their courage to share the Good News even in the midst of opposition, there are still lots of them saying yes to do the Great Commission!

When I look back on this trip, it was so obvious that God is working with His miracles! From the beginning of the trip, we kept getting stories of people came to know Jesus because they got healed. At first I was like, we need to get other stories too that is not just healing. But it was undeniable how God moves in His miracles! Witchcrafts, former witchdoctors, former communist army, many - many - many first generation Christians!!! We were able to do 51 interviews, and we prayed for each one of them. It was so cool to be able to hear from the people, first-hand, of how God delivered them from sickness and witchcraft, experiencing freedom in Jesus! We were also able to see people get healed!!

"Stand up if you're first generation Christians!" The churches are filled with them! One pastor told us that there was 3 or 4 churches in his district during the civil war. But now, there are 110 of them! So many multiplication just in 13 years!
The outcome of this trip is to produce a little magazine filled with testimonies! This is what I've been doing for the last 3 months, producing a magazine with a little team! We are hoping to do the printing this week, and then people will be gathering in March so we can give it to them. I will be sending you a link to take a look at it, and invite you to pray for this nation as you read their testimonies!

My Australia Visa just got granted = staying in Perth for another 2 years!!!
For now, I am praying through a few different outreach options. One of them can look like going into Africa or Middle East, another is to attend a conference in the Middle East, Bible distribution in Asia, orrrr to promote about missions to some of the most exciting places (which I still can't say yet!) Possibilities... I am hoping to tell you guys more about it soon! But, I want to invite you all to pray with me. If you felt God is speaking to you about me, please don't hesitate to contact me! I would appreciate it so much!
What's happening in Perth, then? I just take on leadership for a project called 'Beauty of Perth', which has been running for about a year now. Felt God is saying that He wants to show His love to people in Perth. Lots of vision about it, and this will be an ongoing project for a long time! I am super stoked!
Always grateful for your friendship!
For now, I am praying through a few different outreach options. One of them can look like going into Africa or Middle East, another is to attend a conference in the Middle East, Bible distribution in Asia, orrrr to promote about missions to some of the most exciting places (which I still can't say yet!) Possibilities... I am hoping to tell you guys more about it soon! But, I want to invite you all to pray with me. If you felt God is speaking to you about me, please don't hesitate to contact me! I would appreciate it so much!
What's happening in Perth, then? I just take on leadership for a project called 'Beauty of Perth', which has been running for about a year now. Felt God is saying that He wants to show His love to people in Perth. Lots of vision about it, and this will be an ongoing project for a long time! I am super stoked!
Always grateful for your friendship!