London | Stourbridge
The journey started with me spending a few days in London by myself. Not a fan of it, I'd rather do trips with some of quality friends. But it does help me to explore more in my photography, as well as the freedom to do whatever & wherever I want to be! Started off the trip with visiting Ealing, a borough that I lived in a few years back. It was such a privilege to be there after a few years, and hearing about the churches work together! Seriously blown away with what God is doing. We might leave the place we've ministered to, but God never stop working there. It was definitely a great start of the trip.
Public transport in a big city like London can be expensive so I did a lot of walking. But then on the second day, I rented a bike to explore more! At the end of this trip, I also visited London again with a big group of friends and that was a lot of fun too!
I guess you can tell, which one the photos from London & what Stourbridge looks like. What led me to the UK is the wedding of Leah & Kevin, the Williams! The venue is in Stourbridge, a town near Birmingham. It is a very beautiful little town with so many great people in it. My favourite is the bacon sandwich from Clint Hills!
Have fun scrolling down. I realised I took a lot of portrait orientation photos nowdays. And you might notice my inconsistent editing style, which I believe every photos got a different feels and as photographers, we need to brings the best out of it.
I guess you can tell, which one the photos from London & what Stourbridge looks like. What led me to the UK is the wedding of Leah & Kevin, the Williams! The venue is in Stourbridge, a town near Birmingham. It is a very beautiful little town with so many great people in it. My favourite is the bacon sandwich from Clint Hills!
Have fun scrolling down. I realised I took a lot of portrait orientation photos nowdays. And you might notice my inconsistent editing style, which I believe every photos got a different feels and as photographers, we need to brings the best out of it.